European Capital of Volunteering

Study tour

On 29th of january more than 40 international delegates from 13 European countries arrived in Trondheim for a study tour. The guests were here to contribute to the exchange and sharing of knowledge with local organizations. .A welcome event was organized by the Ila and Løkkan voluntary organizations in collaboration with Trondheim municipality. It was a fantastic evening with delicious Afghan food made by women from Norsk-Afghanske Kvinner for Endring, lovely music by MOVE and inspiring conversations between guests and Trondheimers.

Walking tour

The following day, the guests were on a guided walking tour around the city together with Natteravnene. Inger Marie Bakken (left) and Karl Ludvig Sellgren (right) talked to our international delegates about their job as volunteer Ravens. The Night Ravens are made up of volunteers who care about the community. They walk around the local area in small groups in the evening and at night, and focus on being visible and accessible, based on ideas that this in itself helps reduce violence and vandalism. They are also available for people who are unable to take care of themselves..

Outside Verkstedshallen

The guests at Svartlamon – Norway’s first urban ecological experimental area.

–The area is organized and run according to principles of sustainable environmental solutions, flat structure, transparent economy, low standard and reasonable rental.

They also visited Ivar Matlaus Book Café, an anarchist book café where they sell underground and non-profit literature. Everyone is welcome for a chat, or to read and browse books and records. Ivar Matlaus wants to be a driving force in political activism and work.

Trikkestallenwas also included in the itinerary. Det er et er et skateanlegg, med en stor street course, bowl og miniramp. Trondheim Skate Association (TSA) offers leisure activities such as skating and activities with BMX, roller blades and scooters for children and young people of all ages. They also visited Mangfoldshuset Trøndelag, a non-profit, voluntary organization that aims to contribute to social equalization and inclusion in the local community. They offer a meeting space for everyone, where a diversity of ideas, cultures, affiliations, points of view and outlooks on life are equal.

The guests also visited Credo Geitmyra educational food center. It is a center that teaches children and young people to cook and develop a conscious relationship with what they eat. Their aim is to teach all children in Norway to enjoy food that makes them feel good!

Ahmed Karais, administrative leader of Mangfoldshuset Trøndelag presented what do they offer to the community.

Among the places they visited is Mangfoldshuset Trøndelag. This is a non-profit, voluntary organization that aims to contribute to social equalization and inclusion in the local community They offer a meeting space for everyone, where a diversity of ideas, cultures, affiliations, points of view and outlooks on life are equal.

A few blocks away is the Sjiraffen Kultursenter. Ragnhild Arntsen talked about how Sjiraffen Cultural Center offers cultural activities, courses and adapted workplaces, among other things, for people with physical and mental disabilities of all ages.

Tanja Plasil, project manager of EVCapital Trondheim talks about volunteering inVår Frue. Vår Frue is an open church that is kept open by volunteer church hosts. They welcome everyone who enters, offer them something to eat or drink and make room for conversation.