230131 Frivilligfest @ Nidarosdomen_foto Arne Hauge_019

Tanja Plasil, Projectleader of EVCapital Trondheim and Ole By Rise, Culture and sports director in Trondheim Photo: Arne Hauge

The opening ceremony in Nidarosdomen

Around 750 guests came to the opening ceremony

On Tuesday 31 January 2023, there was an opening ceremony of Trondheim as the European Volunteering Capital 2023 in Nidaros Cathedral. Svartlamon Hardkor, Schola Sanctae Sunnivae, Musikalfabrikken, Øyvind Weiseth with the band and dansere from Cissi Klein VGS delivered a fantastic show packed with impressive cultural performances. During the opening ceremony, Gerd Åberg also received the volunteering award for 2022.